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Marie's Palace Of Tuts
Hi all my name is Marie. I haven't been doing tuts very long but I have been making tags for about 8 years now. I am disabled. I am a 26 year old. I still live at home with my mom. She is my world. I hope you like it here. If you have any questions or comments email me at
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

postheadericon TGIF

I used TGIF kit by Deanna (Butterfly Kisses Scraps) which can be found HERE
Mask~GrungeMask5byRose.jpg you can find here
I used the art work of Lix (formally of CILM now with PTE) which you can get a license HERE
Eye Candy 3
Open Paper08.jpg copy and paste as a new image and apply your mask. Open Flowers03.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Now duplicate so you have 4 mirror 1, flip 1, flip and mirror one. Open Frame06.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open Lips02.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Add drop shadows. These were my font settings. Plugins Lokas Gel
Do these settings~
Bevel Width~10
Bevel depth~100
Angle straight up and down
Color overlay checked
Color opacity~100
Go To Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 3 With these Settings
Opacity dropoff~Medium
Draw everywhere~unchecked
Now add your watermark and anything else to make it yours.
Thanks for stopping by please come again soon.

postheadericon Irish Delights

I used Irish Delights by Laura which can be found HERE
I used the art work of Lady Mishka (formally of PFD now with PTE) which you can get a license HERE
Mask~Mask 017.jpg(if this is yours email me your link and i will post it)
Eye Candy 3
Open LD_ID_PAPER 2.jpg copy and paste as a new image. Open LD_ID_ELEMENT 18.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Duplicate and mirror. Open LD_ID_ELEMENT 5.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open LD_ID_ELEMENT 45.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Duplicate and mirror. Open LD_ID_ELEMENT 1.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Duplicate and mirror. Open LD_ID_ELEMENT 10.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Add your watermarks and tubes and this is what i used on the text. Add drop shadows. These were my font settings. Plugins Lokas Gel
Do these settings~
Bevel Width~10
Bevel depth~100
Angle straight up and down
Color overlay checked
Color opacity~100
Go To Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 3 With these Settings
Opacity dropoff~Medium
Draw everywhere~unchecked
Now add your watermark and anything else to make it yours.
Thanks for stopping by please come again soon.

postheadericon Happy Days

I used Happy Days by Jens Sweet Temptations which can be found HERE
I used the Artwork of Ismael Rac which can be found HERE
Templete 85 by Toxic Designs Which you can get HERE
Mask~EEMask10.jpg (if this is yours please send me an email and i will add your link)
Font Used~Diskus
Eye Candy 3
Open the templete hit shift and D so you have a copy now close the orinigal. Open Paper6_HappyDays_TwiJuneColab_JST.jpg copy and paste as a new image and apply your mask, move to the bottom. Flood fill the background of the frame with this color #359CAF. Open Birdbath1_HappyDays_TwiJuneColab_JST.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Duplicate and mirror. Open DFly1_HappyDays_TwiJuneColab_JST.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open DFly2_HappyDays_TwiJuneColab_JST.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open Mushroom1_HappyDays_TwiJuneColab_JST.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Duplicate and mirror. Add drop shadows. These were my font settings. Plugins Lokas Gel
Do these settings~
Bevel Width~10
Bevel depth~100
Angle straight up and down
Color overlay checked
Color opacity~100
Go To Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 3 With these Settings
Opacity dropoff~Medium
Draw everywhere~unchecked
Now add your watermark and anything else to make it yours.
Thanks for stopping by please come again soon.

postheadericon Emily The Strange

Supplies Needed~~
Emily The Strange Scrap Kit by Rieka Rafita can be found HERE
Mask~Mask1MCbyTonya-vi.jpg (if this is your mask email me the link and i will at it up)
I used the art work of Jose Cano (formally of MPT now with PTE) which you can get a license HERE
Font~1 BeanSprout DNA
Eye Candy 3
Open RR_Paper12.jpg copy and paste as a new image, Apply your mask. Open RR_Frames3.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open RR_LoveSkull.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Duplicate and arrange to your liking. Open RR_Flower5.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Duplicate and arrange to your liking. Open RR_Tags.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open RR_BlackCat2.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Duplicate and arrange to your liking. Add drop shadows. These were my font settings. Plugins Lokas Gel
Do these settings~
Bevel Width~10
Bevel depth~100
Angle straight up and down
Color overlay checked
Color opacity~100
Go To Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 3 With these Settings
Opacity dropoff~Medium
Draw everywhere~unchecked
Now add your watermark and anything else to make it yours.
Thanks for stopping by please come again soon.
Monday, February 21, 2011

postheadericon Cupcake Party

Cupcake Party kit by Clarey which you can get HERE
Templete 71 by Addictive Pleasures HERE
I used the artwork of Ismael Rac which can be found HERE
Mask~luna_mask37.jpg (if this is yours email me and ill add your link)
Open your templete and hit shift & D to duplicate and close out the original. I deleted it all but the 2 bottom circles. Open clarey_cupcakeparty_paper4.jpg copy and paste as a new image and apply your mask. Send to the bottom of the tag. Open clarey_cupcakeparty_paperframe3.pspimage copy and paste as a new image. Go to image Rotate by 90. Open clarey_cupcakeparty_paper4.jpg copy and paste as a new image and move it down so it under the frame. Erase the access paper so its on the inside of the frame only. Open clarey_cupcakeparty_scatterswirl2.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Add a drop shadow to your liking. Duplicate so you have 4 of them and move them and place to your liking. Open clarey_cupcakeparty_paperflower4.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Add a drop shadow to your liking. Go to layers and duplicate and go to image and mirror. Open clarey_cupcakeparty_sprinkled-wa.pspimage copy and paste as a new image Resize to your liking and add a drop shadow. Open clarey_cupcakeparty_cupcake3.pspimage copy and paste as a new image. Resize to your liking and add a drop shadow.
Saturday, February 19, 2011

postheadericon Dark Heart

Supplies Needed~
Dark Heart Kit By Vicki (Pink Princess) You can get HERE
I used the art work of Elias Chatzoudis which you can get a license HERE (formally from MPT)
Mask~GrungeMask4_Rose.jpg which can be found HERE & you choose a heart mask of your choice
Font Used~Vujahday
Eye Candy 3
Open pp4.png copy and paste as a new image and apply your mask. Open pp3.png copy and paste as a new image and apply your heart mask. Open ele6.pspimage open and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open ele7.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open ele19.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Go to layers and duplicate, Go to image and mirror. Make sure you add drop shadows to the frame and flowers to your liking. Add your tubes and watermarks. Use these setting on your name
Go To effects Plugins Lokas Gel
Do these settings~
Bevel Width~10
Bevel depth~100
Angle straight up and down
Color overlay checked
Color opacity~100
Go To Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 3 With these Settings
Opacity dropoff~Medium
Draw everywhere~unchecked
Now add your watermark and anything else to make it yours.
Thanks for stopping by please come again soon.

postheadericon Cupid Girl

Supplies Needed~
Cupid Girl Kit by Tamie (Addictive Pleasures) You can get HERE
I used the art work of Jamie Kidd which you can get a license HERE (formally from CILM)
Mask of your choice I used one by Vix that is an exclusive to Misfits
Font Used~TartineBlack
Eye Candy 3
Open p12.png copy and paste as a new image, apply your mask. Open frame.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open p9.png copy and paste as a new image and move down so it is right below the frame. Erase all the access paper so its just inside the frame now. Open leaves.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Add drop shadow and duplicate. Go To Image and Mirror. Open cupcake.pspimage copy and paste as a new image resize to your liking. Add drop shadows and duplicate and mirror. Choose a fancy script font and write love across the tag. Use this setting with love and your name.
Go To effects Plugins Lokas Gel
Do these settings~
Bevel Width~10
Bevel depth~100
Angle straight up and down
Color overlay checked
Color opacity~100
Go To Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 3 With these Settings
Opacity dropoff~Medium
Draw everywhere~unchecked
Now add your watermark and anything else to make it yours.
Thanks for stopping by please come again soon.
Friday, February 18, 2011

postheadericon Lethal Love

I used Lethal Love kit by Roo which can be found HERE
Templete 308 by Missy which can be found HERE
I used the Artwork of Ismael Rac which can be found HERE
Mask~montiblindsmask.jpg (if this is yours please send me an email and i will add your link)
Font~Toots Regular
Open your template duplicate and close the original. I changed all the colors of the template so it matches the scrap kit which is this color #D16486. Open LethalLoveTSp_SBR14.jpg copy and paste as a new image move to the bottom of the tag and apply your mask. Open LethalLoveTSe_SBR07.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. LethalLoveTSe_SBR34.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open LethalLoveTSe_SBR02.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open LethalLoveTSe_SBR14.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open LethalLoveTSe_SBR39.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Add a drop shadow to your liking on everything. Rotate LethalLoveTSe_SBR39.pspimage duplicate so you have a total of 4 flip and mirror to your liking and move them right above your mask layer.
Now add your watermarks and your tubes. Come back soon and see me.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

postheadericon Along The GrapeVine


I used Along The GrapeVine by Jens Sweet Temptations which can be found HERE
I used the Artwork of Ismael Rac which can be found HERE

Templete 113 by Toxic Designs Which you can get HERE

Mask~WSL_Mask4.jpg (if this is yours please send me an email and i will add your link)

Font Used~Tisdall Script

Open the template and duplicate it and close the original. Open Paper8_AlongTheGrapevine_TwiColab_JST.jpg copy and paste and move to the move on the tag. Now apply your mask. Change the Purple Rectangle to this color #613A79. Change Frame Back to this color #B3D660. Change the stars to this color #B3D660 and go to effects and go to noise and add 48%. Open

Grapevine6_AlongTheGrapevine_TwiColab_JST.pspimage copy and paste and resize to your liking. Go to effects and add a drop shadow to your liking. Go to layers and duplicate and image and mirror. Open Flower2_AlongTheGrapevine_TwiColab_JST.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking and add a drop shadow to your liking. Open BFly2_AlongTheGrapevine_TwiColab_JST.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking and add a drop shadow to your liking.
Thursday, February 3, 2011

postheadericon Valentine Angel

Supplies Needed~~
Valentine Angel Scrap Kit by Rieka Rafita can be found HERE
Mask~GrungeMask4byJenny.jpg you can find here
I used the art work of Ismael Rac which you can get a license HERE
Font~Paradise Script
Open RR_Paper15.jpg copy and paste as a new image and apply your mask. I made a frame to my liking you can use what you want. I then opened RR_Paper6.jpg and added it to the frame and resized to fit the frame. Open RR_CupidCrossing.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking, duplicate and mirror. Open RR_Flower3.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking, duplicate and mirror. Open RR_Wing1.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open RR_Wordart2.pspimage copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. Open RR_HeartBallon.png copy and paste as a new image and resize to your liking. I added a little bright noise to the white spots in the balloons. Now add your own touches and watermarks. Come Back soon and see me
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